Thursday, July 22, 2010

My first post of my first Blog.

1 comment:

  1. I want to be your first blog because I think you are quite a genious! Your creative thought process has enabled you, to not only become a first class painter, but to also solve daily problems in a very unique way. Every stumbling block that you have encountered, has been resolved through working it out creatively. Most of us would have hired that dumpster to get rid of the junk, but you chose to use your money wisely, by re-building an old trailer. That's creativity!
    Designing & building your studio, digging up the ground for pipes, landscaping your property, and all the general remodeling you have done, took a creative mind to accomplish.
    You were blessed with a gift that you recognized as a young child. Going to college for art, and then earning (2) Masters' degrees is something you should be very proud of! You continue to expand your talents in everyday life.
    I'm looking forward to reading your blog. You must come from a very talented family!
    Love You!
